
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 appointment_index /{_locale}/appointment Path does not match
2 appointment_auth /{_locale}/appointment/connexion Path does not match
3 appointment_profil /{_locale}/appointment/profil Path does not match
4 appointment_garages /{_locale}/appointment/garages Path does not match
5 appointment_vehicle_save /{_locale}/appointment/vehicle/{id}/save Path does not match
6 appointment_service /{_locale}/appointment/service Path does not match
7 appointment_availability /{_locale}/appointment/availability Path does not match
8 appointment_resume /{_locale}/appointment/resume Path does not match
9 appointment_payment /{_locale}/appointment/payment Path does not match
10 appointment_confirmation /{_locale}/appointment/confirmation Path does not match
11 client_account /{_locale}/client/account/{type} Path does not match
12 client_validate_profil /{_locale}/client/profil/validate Path does not match
13 client_email_update /{_locale}/client/profil/email/update Path does not match
14 client_vehicle_upsert /{_locale}/client/vehicle/upsert/{id} Path does not match
15 client_vehicles_delete /{_locale}/client/vehicles/{id} Path does not match
16 client_vehicles /{_locale}/client/vehicles Path does not match
17 file_download /{_locale}/file/download/{filename} Path does not match
18 default_options /{_locale}/options Path does not match
19 payment_stripe_create /{_locale}/payment/create Path does not match
20 payment_stripe_amount /{_locale}/payment/amount Path does not match
21 paypal_create_order /{_locale}/paypal/order Path does not match
22 paypal_capture_order /{_locale}/paypal/approval Path does not match
23 calendar_slots /{_locale}/calendar/slots Path does not match
24 calendar_hours /{_locale}/calendar/hours Path does not match
25 calendar_drop_pickup_slot /{_locale}/calendar/drop-pickup Path does not match
26 all_vehicles /{_locale}/vehicle/all Path does not match
27 vehicle_delete /{_locale}/vehicle/delete/{id} Path does not match
28 appointment_vehicle /{_locale}/vehicle/{id} Path does not match
29 registration_check_code /{_locale}/register/check Path does not match
30 registration_profil /{_locale}/register/profil Path does not match
31 registration_resend /{_locale}/register/resend Path does not match
32 reset-password-recover /{_locale}/password/recover Path does not match
33 password-renew /{_locale}/password/renew/{hash} Path does not match
34 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
35 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
36 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
37 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
38 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
39 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
40 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
41 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
42 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
43 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
44 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
45 back_user_add /{_locale}/bo/add-admin Path does not match
46 back_user_edit /{_locale}/bo/edit-admin/{id} Path does not match
47 back_user_list /{_locale}/bo/list-admin Path does not match
48 back_user_delete /{_locale}/bo/delete-admin/{id} Path does not match
49 client_auth /{_locale}/connexion/{rdv} Path does not match
50 front_index_page /{_locale}/{slug} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "_locale" does not match (en|de|fr|kz|it|lu|be|es)
51 index_home_send_newsletter /{_locale}/send/newsletter Path does not match
52 app_login /{_locale}/login Path does not match
53 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
54 bazinga_jstranslation_js /translations/{domain}.{_format} Path does not match
55 bo /bo/dashboard Path does not match
56 bo_page /bo/page/{slug} Path does not match
57 bo_page_list /bo/list/page Path does not match
58 bo_remove_page /bo/remove/page/{id} Path does not match
59 bo_deactive_page /bo/deactive/page/{id} Path does not match
60 bo_duplicate_page /bo/duplicate/page/{id} Path does not match
61 bo_page_and_block /bo/page/{slug}/block/{block} Path does not match
62 bo_page_by_type /bo/page/{slug}/type/{type} Path does not match
63 bo_block_daily_message /bo/daily/message/ Path does not match
64 bo_block_subscriber /bo/subscriber Path does not match
65 bo_edit_menu /bo/menu/edit Path does not match
66 bo_save_menu /bo/menu/save Path does not match
67 bo_create_page /bo/create/page Path does not match
68 bo_create_post /bo/create/post Path does not match
69 bo_list_post /bo/list/post Path does not match
70 bo_save_slug /bo/slug/save Path does not match
71 bo_lang_new /bo/language/{action} Path does not match
72 bo_lang_edit /bo/language/{action} Path does not match
73 bo_lang_rem /bo/language/{action} Path does not match
74 bo_lang_list /bo/language Path does not match
75 bo_lang_switch /bo/switch/language/{id} Path does not match
76 bo_new_lang_block /bo/language/{langId}/block/new/{id} Path does not match
77 bo_user /bo/user/ Path does not match
78 login /login Path does not match
79 app_logout /logout Path does not match
80 admin /admin Path does not match
81 admin_page /admin/page Path does not match
82 admin_page_new /admin/page/add/new Path does not match
83 admin_page_id /admin/page/{id} Path does not match
84 admin_page_add_block /admin/page/block/add Path does not match
85 admin_remove_page /admin/remove/page Path does not match
86 admin_page_ajax_get_block /admin/page/{id}/blocks Path does not match
87 admin_page_save_metas /bo/page/metas/save Path does not match
88 get_page_entity /admin/page/entity/{id} Path does not match
89 edit_form_application /admin/page/display-form-application/{id} Path does not match
90 edit_newsletter_page /admin/page/change-newsletter/{id} Path does not match
91 admin_page_ajax_remove_block /admin/page/{page}/blocks/remove/{block} Path does not match
92 admin_page_ajax_sub_block /admin/page/sub/blocks/new Path does not match
93 admin_page_ajax_sub_block_rem /admin/page/sub/blocks/remove Path does not match
94 admin_page_ajax_sub_block_data_add /admin/page/sub/block/add/data Path does not match
95 admin_block /admin/block Path does not match
96 admin_block_footer /admin/block/footer Path does not match
97 admin_block_id /admin/block/edit/{id} Path does not match
98 admin_block_form /admin/ajax/form/send Path does not match
99 admin_block_remove /admin/ajax/block/remove/{id} Path does not match
100 admin_item /admin/item Path does not match
101 admin_item_id /admin/item Path does not match
102 admin_item_update /admin/item/{id} Path does not match
103 admin_item_remove /admin/item/remove/{id} Path does not match
104 admin_item_ajax /admin/ajax/item/new Path does not match
105 admin_item_ajax_remove /admin/ajax/block/{block}/item/{item}/remove Path does not match
106 admin_item_list_ajax /admin/ajax/item/list Path does not match
107 admin_page_block_get /admin/ajax/block/get Path does not match
108 admin_page_reorder_block /admin/ajax/order/blocks/ Path does not match
109 app_page /{_locale}/{slug} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "_locale" does not match (en|fr|de)
110 app_news /{_locale}/news/{slug} Path does not match
111 app_page_preview /{_locale}/preview/page/{slug} Path does not match
112 front_test /testing/{slug} Path does not match
113 app_page_id /{_locale}/page/{slug}/{id} Path does not match
114 front_ajax_valid_offer /offer/send-form Path does not match
115 front_contact_form /contact/submit-form Path does not match
116 admin_module_list /admin/modules/liste Path does not match
117 admin_active_module /admin/modules/activate Path does not match
118 admin_assets_module_edit /admin/modules/assets/{id} Path does not match
119 ajax_form /form/ajax/ Path does not match
120 password_verify /password/verify/{hash} Path does not match
121 connect_facebook_start /connect/facebook Path does not match
122 connect_facebook_check /connect/facebook/check Path does not match
123 connect_google_start /connect/google Path does not match
124 connect_google_check /connect/google/check Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.