templates/home/blocks/text_left_img_right.html.twig line 1

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  1. <section 
  2. {% if data.id_block  is defined %}id="{{ data.id_block|lower }}"{% endif %}
  3. class="container block text-left-img-right mb-5 mt-5 {% if even == 1 %}first-section{% endif %}"
  4. >
  5.     <div class="row">
  6.         <div class="col-md-6 txt">
  7.             <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
  8.                 <div>
  9.                     {% if data.logo_before_title is defined %}
  10.                         <div class="pr-3 tify">
  11.                             {% if data.logo_before_title is defined and data.logo_before_title is not empty %}
  12.                                 <img src="{{ asset('uploads/') ~ data.logo_before_title.0 }}" alt="{{ data.title }}" class="icon-tool-link" loading="lazy">
  13.                             {% else %}
  14.                                 <div class="tify_wh_wheel"></div>
  15.                                 <div class="tify_wheel"></div>
  16.                                 <div class="tify_arm"></div>
  17.                             {% endif %}
  18.                         </div>
  19.                     {% endif %}
  20.                 </div>
  21.                 <div>
  22.                     {% if data.pre_title is defined %}
  23.                         <p class="pre-title">{{ data.pre_title }}</p>
  24.                     {% endif %}
  25.                     {% if data.title is defined and data.title %}
  26.                         <h2 class="blue">{{ data.title }}</h2>
  27.                     {% endif %}
  28.                 </div>
  29.             </div>
  30.             {% if data.description is defined and data.description is not empty %}
  31.                 <div class="blue-dark pb-3">
  32.                     {{ data.description.0|raw }}
  33.                 </div>
  34.             {% elseif 'description' ~ data.block is defined %}
  35.                 <div class="blue-dark pb-3">
  36.                     {{ data['description' ~ data.block].0|raw }}
  37.                 </div>
  38.             {% endif %}
  39.             {% if data.url_link is defined and data.url_link %}
  40.                 <a class="btn-section blue-dark" href="{{ data.url_link }}">{{ data.label_btn }}</a>
  41.             {% endif %}
  42.         </div>
  43.         <div class="col-md-6 img">
  44.             {% if data.illustration is defined and data.illustration is not empty %}
  45.                 <img src="{{ asset('uploads/' ~ data.illustration.0) }}" alt="{{ data.title }}" loading="lazy">
  46.             {% endif %}
  47.         </div>
  48.     </div>
  49. </section>